Tuesday, 27 September 2011


Greetings from Uganda, My name is "PROPHET Otim Jude" I will be sharring soon on this page my personal testimony and my ministry calling.  My prayer is that you will see the awsome experiences i have had with GOD and How he has changed my life, even to the point that now i have my very own ministry .  When the Lord spoke to me that i should start this ministry i was afraid but later strengthened by theholly spirit because this was a very big ministry an international ministry, I was unsure to do this. I took a step of faith and and accepted  and now, I have been so very blessed by having it as an international ministry, i am  almost daily online to encourage and bless thousands of people all round the globe through prayers and cancelling them.  This is a prophetic ministry based on a prophetic foundation,
ITS a christian ministry which is  on a pentecostal foundation, serving and following Christ, Jesus Christ is our lord and savior and the devil and his works are our enemies, its a ministry founded by the prophet of God. THE LEADER AND THE PRESIDENT of the ministry,Its a prophetic  ministry which is based on prophetic systems and its all about building  prayer altars in a home, neighborhood, schools, sub county, districts, cities and countries wild wide, quite a big job  its lead by a prophet of God and

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