Monday, 10 October 2011


Our mission is to see that many people that were lost in the world come back to Christ since it is a Christian founded ministry  and also to know that jesus Christ is the foundation of the Christian community
   Also to build up prayer altars  in  every home of an individual , parayer altars protects homes, families from  the attack of the powers of darknes  called( satanic powers or forces of hell) so these forces of darknes are driven away from families both big and small families by these prayer altars .
  That is why we have a task to build these prayer altars in homes, families, villages, towns , cities and we also run across the countries, and atleast in each country  must contain thousands of prayer altars and moreover most of these prayer altars later on develop into churches meaning that  churches are also opened up in the procces.
     We also see that these prayer altars  have the potencial to breakdown  demonic altars in the church of today, altars like witchcrafty, homosexuality,deval worshiping, curses and the others, all  these altars are to be brocken by our prayer altars, including the spirits behind these  altars, forristance the jezebel spirits  (1kings 18:17-400
                                                                  OUR  VISION

Our vision is to see that thousands of souls are wone to Christ and also leading  a opening  or building up of many prayer altars which run across the glob and also that churches with a clear spirit  are birthed today, we see  many churches collapsing and rotting because of unworthy behaviours that has destroyed the heart of man, things like homosexuality, and demon worshiping is what our prayer altars will fight against.

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